Almost two months ago I introduced you to Storylines in Viva Engage ( to the blog article ). As of this week, the story function is now also available in Viva Engage. Currently still in Public Preview, but you can easily change that. For me, the story function provides an additional communication option in internal communication. For me, use cases include sharing content in everyday life (visiting customers, events, working in co-working spaces, etc.) or creating additional proximity to employees for leaders in a company. The same applies, of course, to the exchange among each other. The principle of stories has long been part of our everyday life. In Instagram, WhatsApp or Snapchat, the function is a frequently used, in other social networks such as e.g. LinkedIn failed to catch on with the Stories feature. In this article I’ll give you a first overview of the new feature.


Whereas in Viva Engage the majority of communication takes place in communities, Storylines can be used to capture communityless posts. With the new possibility of Stories, from now on you can not only capture community-independent posts, but also easily share photos and videos in the Story principle. This should further increase the engagement rate and create additional functions. From my point of view, there is definitely potential in this function, but it will not be easier for employees if there is an additional information channel. So clear governance / rules of the game comes even further into focus so that you can clearly show what information goes into teams, intranet, Engage post or yet Engage story.


1. open your Viva Engage app

2. now make sure that the Public Preview function has been activated, if you don’t know how to do this, you can find out in this article this article .

3. click The story overview places itself directly in the «Start» tab.

Now you can create a new story directly from your mobile device.

5. your work colleagues can now view, like and comment on your stories directly above their feed.

I am interested in your opinion

Do you feel that the Story feature can add value in your day-to-day work?

Let me know in the comments


In Viva Engage, the Story function has been available since this week. I have summarized the most important information in this article.

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